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Gynecological Surgery in Sharjah: The Ultimate secret to Women Care

Gynecology Specialist in Sharjah : Comprehensive Care for Pregnancy and Women’s Health

People usually believe that: You should meet a gynecologist only if you are conceived or pregnant.
But how far is this true?

Let’s dig deep more into this.

Gynecology – the reason for the complete women healthcare – the top to bottom care for women in all aspects.

A gynecologist specializes in the health and diseases of the female reproductive system. Many such doctors also work as obstetricians who work with women to keep pregnancies healthy and to deliver babies.

Sounds interesting, Isn’t it?

Thanks to the branch of medical science that gave birth to this divine specialization for exploring various generations.

Relevance of Gynecologists

Every woman should see a gynecologist to promote good health. But for many women, making an appointment with an obstetrician/gynecologist in Sharjah (commonly referred to as OB/GYN) can be intimidating, and some may avoid visiting one altogether. The truth is, visiting an OB/GYN is important for all women and at times they can fix an appointment due to some unknown reasons.


Here are some of the top reasons why each and every woman should visit the Gynecologist at least once in life time. Getting the gynecologist appointment in Sharjah is kind of overwhelming due to the lack and shortage of efficient specialists.


The complete Physical health examination

In general the physical examination will include obtaining standard vital signs, determining body mass index, palpating the abdomen and inguinal lymph nodes, and making an assessment of the patient’s overall health.” Some will have a pelvic examination and clinical tests done as well. (Source: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists)

In a Layman perspective, if something semi-serious to serious is going on with your body and you don’t know about it, a checkup with an OB/GYN could be the difference maker. It’s like taking your car in for an oil change and tune up – especially it may turn up to be the gamest changing point of your life.


Visiting the Gynecologist Doctor in Sharjah: the MUST

Visiting the gynecologist will come eventually for every girl and every woman, and when it does, you’ll see that it’s not so bad, but actually makes you feel healthy and confident in your changes and of course, your life!

You don’t have to see the gynecologist doctor very often: but once in a while when you feel like things are going wrong.

You also shouldn’t hesitate to see your gynecologist doctor if:

  • You’re 14 and haven’t noticed any changes of puberty
  • You’re 16 and haven’t had a period or menstruation
  • You’re having severe menstrual cramps
  • You might be pregnant o conceived
  • You need to discuss safe sex
  • You’ve been having periods for more than a year and have irregular periods
  • You experience a burning sensation while urinating
  • You experience frequent urination
  • You’ve injured your pelvic area

The list is indefinite ….

In short this indicates the importance of the good health of women is taken care only through proper measures. In particular, maternal and infant mortality serves as important indicators of the nation’s health and development thereby influencing policy development, funding of programs and research, and measures of health care quality of the nation.

The ultimate care for Every Women: Department of Gynecology in Al Saha Al Shifa Hospital


The Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics in the major hospitals near Sharjah deals every form of gynecological disorders that a woman might face at any point of her life like cases of endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts and many more.

The Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics is very proficient with the team of expert gynecologist doctors in Sharjah and provides the ultimate solution for the women care.

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